Thank you for those who participated in my first pre-order attempt. You'll be getting email from me detailing the next step towards getting your order. For those yang terlepas, Insya'Allah, I'll do another pre-order with a longer deadline and more variety. As a token of appreciation for the support given to this pre-order, I've decided to include a "Mystery Gift" to my new customers. I will try to make it more interesting and if the response is even better, I can actually arrange free delivery. How about that? If there are certain fabric theme that you are interested in getting, do leave a comment and suggest so I can include them in my next pre-order. Contoh: Retro, Baby, Designer, Flannel.
Thank you for your support and happy sewing!
Girls are spoilt for choice. But it's a little bit difficult to find cute fabric for boys. I so understand the frustration of some mommies @ crafters in finding cute cotton fabric to create cute stuff for their boys. So, I'm feeling my way into organizing a pre-order for baby themed fabric. Email me if you're interested in the fabrics below and I'll walk through the details of the pre-order. The selection is quite neutral that it's even OK for girls.
Common denominator would be:
- Minimum cut: 0.5 yard (it's imported from US thus, they go by the yard, not metric system)
- Price is RM20 per half a yard (not inclusive of delivery charges)
- Fabric is 100% cotton 44/45 inches wide.
- I would insist on full payment upon confirmation but should the fabric requested is out of stock, I would fully refund your money.
- Closing date for pre-order is 28 FEBRUARY 2010 so CEPAT! CEPAT!
Have a look see and if they appeal to you, send me an email at

CS - 238

CS - 260

CS - 248

CS -259
CS - 254
InsyaAllah, if this pre-order is successful. I'll be on the lookout for more baby themed fabric to share with you...
so cute la fabric ni rozi