Saturday, May 26, 2018

A milestone; RoziRahmanCraftHub

On Tuesday, 1 May 2018, I’ve achieved a huge milestone in my profession as a full time crafter. I’ve taken the plunge and went on to open my own craft studio and dub it RoziRahmanCraftHub. It’s a rented apartment turned into my craft studio. My husband and I rented this unit for my mother inlaw initially. But due to some turn of events, the apartment is vacant and we have a year contract that terminates in December 2018. I proposed to my husband that I take up half of the rental and make it into my studio at least until the end of the contract. A sort of trial period for me. If I can sustain the studio, we might continue the lease.

I’m truly and eternally grateful for Zila Kasim of LamanseniZilakasim and Abby of Craftsical for letting me use their studio for my classes and build up my confidence to actually start up my own studio. 

While the major focus of my studio is for my Cameo training, I do welcome and entertain sewing classes as that’s how I got started anyway. I’m open for those who wants to learn to knit too.

My command centre

Start with Bismillah

A cosy section for a casual knit session?
I welcome any craft instructors who’s interested to rent my crafthub to run their classes. We can discuss the rates.

Till then, looking forward to your visit to RoziRahmanCraftHub.

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