I also made a peasant dress and used up my 1/2 yard Amy Schimler’s Staggered Hearts fabric. I matched it with Stripes in Spring from Animal Can Party Too! also by Amy Schimler. I’m going to put it up in Lil Arwen for custom order too. I decided to name it after Jasmyne; Jessica’s little girl after she asked me to make a dress for little Jasmyne and the first dress I made for her was a peasant dress.
This dress is very roomy for Arwen as I used up the whole 1/2 yard. Please don’t ask for this combo. I don’t have it anymore.
I’m quite pleased that I managed to finished 2 dresses today despite of the gloomy weather. The weather is perfect to snuggle on the sofa and just watch tv with Arwen. The fact that we received a piece of good news this morning is also a motivator for me. Danial has been accepted to Sri Ayesha Islamic Intergrated School in Bangi. What a nice birthday present for him. Yes, my little boy is turning 6 tomorrow. How time flies...
ala suka lah tgk design2 kain rozi..