Saturday, March 25, 2017

Tutorial: Cameo3 Dust Cover

I finally managed to check Cameo3 dust cover off my to do list. I made mine from unbleached cotton drill and cut out some scrap HTV to decorate. It’s quite simple to make and here’s the tutorial if you want to make one for your Cameo.

You need:
3/4 yard or 3/4 meter of fabric
sewing machine
serger (optional)


From the fabric, cut one piece measuring 23.5” by 18.25”

Then cut 2 side panels. The template can be downloaded here. If you want to cut out the template, the studio3 file is here.Print in actual size. Use the 1” square for sizing gauge.

Line the short edge (front) of the side panel to the short edge of the main panel as shown in the picture below.

Mark 0.5” from the edge.

It should look like this:

Fold the side panel fabric where the marking is and snip the material. Be careful you don’t want to snip more than necessary. This snip will make pivoting the material easier later.

Once you’ve snipped it, it would look like this:

With 0.5 seam allowance, start stitching from the bottom until u reach the mark. Stop with the needle in the down position.

 Pivot the top material (side panel) so that the edge is lined parallel to the foot. At the same time, pivot the bottom material (main panel) so it’s in line with the top material.

The top part of the side panel is curved, so line both material and stitch them together; adjusting the back material to the curve. Continue until you reach the other 0.5” mark from the edge. Stop with the needle in down position and do the pivoting again.

 Continue down the side panel until you reach the edge and reverse stitch.

This is how it would look like. Repeat with the other side panel. IMPORTANT: make sure you check and double check that the side panels both face the same direction

I serged the seam:

I serged the bottom of the dust cover too:

On the wrong side, I fold in the edge 0.5” and pin it all around.

and stitch around the bottom of the dust cover. That’s it. Press and you have yourself a brand new dust cover.

 I made mine with unbleached cotton drill. You can dye the cover any colour you want or embellish it with applique or HTV like I did mine.

I even made the packaging for my dust covers with the sketch and cut function.

I hope the instructions are clear and easy to follow. Just drop me a line if you need any clarification. If you don’t sew, I can sew them for you. The introductory price is RM20. Please bear in mind that this pattern fits Cameo3. From what I heard Cameo3 is slightly bigger than its predecessors.

Next: Tutorial for Portrait Dust Cover

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