Tuesday, March 15, 2011

A Knitted Raglan Shirt for Alif

A fellow blogger, Erpha Ahdayani commissioned me to knit a shirt for her handsome hero, Alif. Do visit Erpha’s blog and feast your eyes to beautiful smocking work and the famous sulam cabut Sarawak.  I finally finished it today. Sorry for the delay, Erpha. It’s going home to you. I hope it fits Aliff well :) I do enjoy knitting and making stuff for boys. Girls are so spoilt for choices. 


  1. Saya sangat suka! (Macam saya pulak la yang punya). Choice of colours pun sangat cantik!
    Terbayang-bayang betapa selesanya Akif eh! Alif memakai Raglan Shirt ini ;)

  2. Mode zila: drooling.... meleleh air liur... kagum kak kagum... saya punya knit baru ada 16 inci... (reporting progress to sifu nih... ) hehehe...

