I’ve linked my blog to the estore and you might have landed here if you clicked on the blog link on the website.
I have a few more things to do like securing the payment gateway for the estore but more or less it’s already up and I think I’ll do the official launching in March where I have some more time to add on more products in the catalogue.
I hope by linking the blog to my website, I get to blog more actively. I don’t know. I think I need to sit down and do some research on social media planning. I’ve been doing things on the spur of the moment. I don’t even know if people bother to read my blog. It was initially started for my personal rambling and sharing of my craft activities. But I guess who else can blow your horn better then your personal self right?
So, this post is just to announce the soft launch of my estore. I am so proud of it as I built it from the ground up. With help from some more tech savvy craft buddies namely Akmal from DZfabrics and Azzah from SewFabby. Do feel free to take a browse and let me know if there’s anything I can improve on.
Till next post, which I hope is not too far apart.
Keep on crafting!