Saturday, October 20, 2012

Twin Nephews and an Inspiration

Yesterday, we visited my sister inlaw who just gave birth to a pair of twin boys; Dylan Ahmad and Aydan Omar at Pantai Medical Centre. Only Aydan was in the room with the new mommy as Dylan was taken to NICU for observation. Here's Aydan on day 2. Isn't he precious?

Aydan Omar
 I made a nursing pillow earlier on when I received the news of the births. Below is my in-house model with the pillow and I gave a matching nursing cover along with it.

Nursing pillow with slipcover
 Last night, while I was browsing the internet on the ipad for ideas of a newborn baby gifts and I came across a tutorial on sunshine plushie here. And if you search for images you'd find similar plushies with different faces. I saw one that I like and it looked more like a lion's head, than a sunshine so I couldn't decide to go with which one. I made mine with white flannel and monogrammed the twins initials on the back of the plushies and simply love it. I drew the face freehand and blanket stitched an oval shaped brown felt for the nose and buttons for the eyes.

Aren't they just the cutest?

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Bazaar #10: Little Red Market

It seems like a whole life time ago since I last opened a booth at a bazaar. That's me exaggerating. My last bazaar was before fasting month in July. I took a break throughout fasting month as my mother in-law was staying with us while the maid went back for a month break. Having a guest around didn't quite allow me to sew to my heart's content and my sewing room was reduced to a store room where the kids' toys and what have you were chucked there to make room for my MIL. She took the kids' room so the kids bunked with us. 

Alhamdulillah, the maid came back as promised to resume her tour of duty on Merdeka day. That day brings a special meaning of 'Merdeka' to me. Don't get me wrong. It wasn't hard to take care of my MIL. But it was tough emotionally for all of us especially when her memory is failing her. I'm just glad to put that episode behind me. 

I was quiet the whole of August too where I couldn't face clearing the tsunami-hit sewing room. I resorted to knitting, rag-rugging with the jumbo hooks and other stuff that doesn't require me to go and clear the room. I even lugged out the sewing machine and parked it on my dining table to sew baju raya for my kids and myself and even made a bigger mess.

I am so good at side-tracking aren't I? This is supposed to be about the upcoming Little Red Market.

I finally bucked up and cleared my room. Let me show you the before picture:

You can't even see the surface of my working table nor the surface of the floor! This is no exaggeration.

After a whole morning at it, things looked up and the room looks more workable:

I had to use the safety gate to keep Arwen out of the room or I'll never get anything done. The writing on the whiteboard were the list of things to make for Little Red Market last May!!!! 

This is going to be my 3rd appearance at Little Red Market. My association with Little Red Market started in February this year where I joined them for the first time for their 2nd LRM in a residence in Jalan Beka, Bukit Damansara. I went there without any expectation as I was curious on how are they going to pull crowd in to a private residence. But the reception completely blew my mind. I was busy from the word 'GO'. 

In May, they moved to White Box, Publika and I followed them. Bigger venue, more vendors, bigger crowd. Loving it more.

This time around, I need to put on my thinking cap and start making new things for the bazaar. I came out with my chalk mats and banners which was a runaway success, baby bibs and binkie clips sold well too. 

So for the 4th Little Red Market and the last for the year (according to the banner), I made new items: Wet bags with PUL lining, Tunisian Crochet Ipad cosy, and my very own Blankow, a Blanket and pillow combination.

There's more... want to see what else I have? Follow me on my fanpage on Facebook and make a date with me at the Little Red Market on Sunday, 14 October 2012 at WhiteBox, Publika.
