I’ve found a new outlet for my creative itch;
photo editing. This newfound
craze interest is sparkled by my recent hari raya photos that my brother took. Plus, I’ve always admire the photo quality and presentation in
Maya and
Zura’s blog and one of my favorite reference is
Made Randomness by Petchy. So after much thought and deliberation, I justified a need for a new camera. After all, my OLD Olympus point and shoot compact camera is as old as Danial.
So, I got me this new baby, Panasonic Lumix GF1 in retro white... White is the new black hehehe... My brother got it for me in Singapore and as at this entry is made, it is still in Singapore... I still do not have the courage nor the budget to get a DSLR. Plus, I don’t want to lug another bag (camera bag) along with Arwen’s diaper bag and a toddler in tow. I wanted something that I can chuck in a bag (which is again, Arwen’s diaper bag) and shoot SLR-like quality pictures. My brother recommended this camera which is a micro four thirds technology. To a layman or a total idiot in photography like me, it means this camera takes the best of both worlds; the compactness of point and shoot cameras and the quality of DSLR photos, or at least I hope so...

I have acquired the hardware, now comes the software. I asked Zura who has graciously pointed me to the right direction. She suggested Photoscape and Photoshop. Unfortunately, Photoscape is Windows OS compatible only. I was a bit skeptical about using Photoshop as a lot of people says it’s difficult to learn. With Zura’s encouragements and loads of online tutorials, I gathered enough guts to download a trial version of Photoshop Elements 8 for Mac.
It’s valid for 30 days trial so I didn’t want to waste time learning what I can. I started making collage. Simple ones like below.
Hari Raya pictures of my babies |
A photo collage of a get-together with friends before Ramadhan |
Earlier today, I dabbled with Photomerge. You know how hard to get the perfect picture. One of the group pictures we took, my brother barely managed to get in it when the timer went off. I’ve circled him and my cousin, Ira.
The other picture, has my aunt fixing my nenek’s tudung and Danial stealing a glance at his uncle.
So I took my brother and cousin from the second photo and merged it with the first photo and Wallah!
An almost picture perfect shot! How can you not love Photoshop?
At this junction, I’m beginning to wonder whether this entry can be justified as a craft or craft related entry. I don’t think I want to create another blog for my newfound interest. As it is, my personal blog has been rather quiet.
My sewing room is still close for the time being until I send my machine for some TLC servicing.