This is my 30 min easy handphone pouch. when the flap is down, it measures approximately 4.75” x 3”.
Why am I doing this tutorial:
- To catalogue my designs/patterns. I sketch on loose papers, recycled envelopes, anything and very bad at organizing and keeping my patterns. So, by having it here, I can refer to it the next time I want to make a pouch.
- Sharing is caring.
- To have a go at writing a tutorial. And if anybody can actually make sense of this tutorial and make a decent pouch, I’ll be over the moon!
OK, moving on. You need:
1 piece of outer fabric (15.25” x 4”)
1 piece of inner fabric (15.25” x 4”)
1 piece of fabric for strap (13” x 2”)
batting (14.75” x 3”)
Hoop and loop (velcro)
My seam allowance is 0.5” unless otherwise stated.
Mark 0.5” from the edge on the inner fabric (on the wrong side of course)
Then, spray some adhesive and stick the batting on the wrong side of the inner fabric like shown above, keeping in the lines marked earlier. Press firmly and leave it for the time being. (If you have iron on fusible web thingy, just go ahead and use that)
Now for the straps. Press the strap into half, open it and fold both edges in (am I making any sense here?) so that you have 0.5” wide strap.
Now it’s time to crank up your machine and machine-stitch the strap keeping close to the edge. I like to keep it uniform and sew the other edge as well. Straps done, put is aside for later.
For the body, layer the outer and inner fabric right side facing each other, so you’d have batting, inner fabric and outer fabric in that order. Sew the shorter ends on both sides. (I find that it’s easier to sew with the batting on the bottom)
OK, stay with me. turn the fabric right side out on the side. My outer fabric is the green one and I fold in approximately 4.75” in like so:
Now, mark for the closure. I mark about 1” from the fold on the outer fabric and 0.5” from the edge on the inner fabric.
Tip: I stitch through the 3 layers for the closure on the outer fabric but just two layers (inner fabric and batting) on the inner fabric so you don’t see the stitches on the flap.
Machine stitch the velcro hoop and loop whichever side you prefer and you have something like this:
Turn it wrong side out again, This is the tricky part (to explain). Sandwich the body of the pouch between the inner and outer fabric. You’d get the total measurement like so:
See, this is what I mean... |
You also want to get your strap and slip it in where you want to have it, sandwiched like above and machine stitch both sides leaving some space on one side to turn out your pouch. (Make sure you don’t stitch on the strap) Snip the corners. You can even trim down the seam if you want to but I just leave it. But corners, must snip.
Turn out your pouch the right side out from the small opening you left earlier and TADA!!! You’ve got yourself a pouch. The last bit is to hand stitch close the opening on both outer and inner sides of the pouch. It can be a reversible pouch if you use buttons. A matter of personal choice.
So, there you have it, a 30 minute easy handphone pouch (the size fits my Nokia MusicExpress too). You can embellish the pouch to your heart’s desire.
Good luck! Let me know if you do make one with this tutorial. I’d like to see the finished product.
Note: My apologies for the quality of the pictures. I’m using my old point and shoot Olympus. The photography process is the one that’s taking more time than making the pouch itself!
This tutorial is for PERSONAL USE only.